Fargo DTC Printer : The ribbon on my card printer has snapped

Modified on Tue, 21 Feb 2023 at 11:56 AM

If your Fargo DTC printer has a print error and you find the print ribbon has snapped there are several things you can do to remedy this.


All card printers use a thermal print ribbon which is very thin, under certain circumstances the ribbon might snap.


These include …


  • Failure to adhere to the manufactures guidelines on cleaning the printer. Usually every ribbon change or 1000 colour cards.
  • Using poor quality or defective card stock.
  • Using a card stock that is not compatible with your model of printer such as slotted, self-adhesive or undersized cards.
  • Trying to re-use “blank” cards that the printer ejected previously, these may have a non-printable overlay on them.
  • The card gate being set to high allowing 2 cards to feed at once.
  • Incorrect adjustment of the printers internal settings.
  • Printing a heavily saturated edge to edge  block colour.
  • Incorrect power supply being used on printer.
  • Printer malfunction.



If the ribbon on your printer does break do the following to repair the ribbon…


Step 1.   Open the lid and remove the ribbon and/or cradle from the printer and place on a clean desk.


Step 2.  Remove any ribbon that is torn or chewed up.


Step 3.   Inspect inside the printer and remove any ribbon that may be trapped inside.


Step 4.   Pull the new ribbon from the supply spool (new unused ribbon)  and fix to the ribbon on the take up spool (used ribbon) using a small piece of sticky tape.


Step 5. Turn the Take –up spool away from the supply spool so it winds the ribbon on a few panels until the ribbon is straight and true.


Step 6. Insert the ribbon into the printer, close the lid and wait for the printer to initialise.


Step 7. If your printer is in heavy use it is a good idea to run a cleaner cycle at this point before you continue printing.

Next Calibrate the ribbon sensor.

Step 1. Browse to Devices and printers in windows and right click the DTC printer driver and select "Printer preferences"

Step 2. On the first tab that appears (Card tab) click the ToolBox button, then select Calirate ribbon. Follow the instructions on this tab.


Please refer to the supplementary guides on cleaning and ribbon repair for more help.


If your printer continues to snap the ribbon contact technical support for assistance.


IMPORTANT : Do not throw away ribbons that have snapped as these can always be repaired.

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