How to remove Holokote on a Magicard printer

Modified on Wed, 23 Aug 2023 at 09:12 AM

If you are getting a faint watermark on your card designs when you print them from your Magicard or EasyBadge 3.0 printer, this is likely the 'Holokote' security setting. To disable this, you just need to go into your driver settings and un-tick the option.

Firstly, navigate to:

Control panel > Devices and printers > YOUR PRINTER NAME > Printing Preferences

You should now have a window that looks similar to this, there may be slight differences depending on the exact printer, but most of the important options will be there regardless:

To remove the Holokote setting, simply un-tick the box highlighted above. Be sure not to untick the 'Print overcoat' option however.

Once you have done this, make sure you click Apply, to commit the change before you exit.

You can now print without the watermark effect.

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