Problem with Null Values in EasyBadge Database

Modified on Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 12:05 PM


This article is for when an external connection is set up within EasyBadge and the source database can allow null values but EasyBadge cannot.

When you add a field that can be NULL is causes problems if the receiving side cannot (or doesn’t want to) process them. You can use the coalesce function to get around this. This function is used within the SQL query used i the external connection.


So instead of


Select DATEOFBIRTH from ….


You can use


Select coalesce(DATEOFBIRTH,’’) as DATEOFBIRTH from 



What coalesce does is if the first argument is NULL it gives the second. If the second is NULL it will give the third etc.

Another method

IsNull(Qualification,'') as Qualification

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