Adding an field which is unique in an EasyBadge database

Modified on Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 10:13 AM

To add an extra unique field to your database do the following.


1. Click the menu button in the top left of the EasyBadge Program window.  cid:image003.jpg@01D270AD.2E768CA0


2. Click Add Field.




4. Select “Text Field” and click the “create” button.



5. Name field what you need to , in this example it is ‘Payroll Number’and Click ‘OK’.




6. Your Database will need to close and re-open, click ‘OK’.




Next you need to make a change to the properties of the field.


7.  . Click the menu button in the top left of the EasyBadge Program window.  cid:image003.jpg@01D270AD.2E768CA0




8 . Modify Database > Modify field then Click on the ‘Payroll Field’ and change the Unique value to true.






9. Click on another part of this window to refresh the view and the “save” button will  be available to click to save the changes.



10.  Click the Close button top right to close the Modify Field window. Now when you add a record there will be a field that holds the Expiry Date.



Now if you try to add a new record which has the same data in that field then it you will be prompted with this message.


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